Six Paths is MENA based organization, currently competing in Overwatch and Fighting Games Genre. Founded by Abdelrahman Amr ElShafei, the organization has emerged in the early 2017 to become one of the most known communities in the MENA Overwatch scene during the first Overwatch GeForce MENA cup. Six Paths had to go through a lot of difficulties and issues to become one of the most known communities in the MENA Overwatch scene. After only Six months of competing, Six Paths got sponsored by MSI in August 2017 after registering through an international program called "Join the Dragon". MSI helped Six Paths grow even further through providing peripherals and gadgets for our players to compete on high level as well as providing the proper media exposure to help us reach bigger audience. early 2018, Six Paths managed to merge the Overwatch roster with one of the biggest and strongest local rosters in MENA opening the doors for Six Paths to grow not only as a team but also as an organization to be able to accommodate our first expansion to include fighting games genre under Six Paths.